POL327 - Politics of International Law

Many  Nations are said to comply with International Law, but that appear open to discussion bearing in mind the number of human rights violations still happening around the world. While the international community does try to hold all nations to International Law, it is not always viable. Despite this reality, and in the absence of a world government in the real sense, there is yet the need for the existence of mechanisms that would give the world an impression of law and order. This justifies our previous opinion that the international system is not unavoidably orderly. This unit would treat all the issues related to the institutional processes of international law as this relates to the international system.

 Learning Outcomes

 At the end of this unit, student should be able to:

 · Describe the workings of international law in international relations

· Explain the various sources of international law

· Distinguish between international law and municipal law

· Critique the basis for the existence of international treaties and agreements

Teacher: Johnny Chuka